Some runs are good, some runs are great, and others are absolutely horrific. The thing with running is, it takes a good few months to feel comfortable and maybe even get some enjoyment back, but it's a really user-friendly movement mode. No matter where you are, all you need is yourself and your shoes. You aren't restricted by equipment and/ or location.
Running doesn't need to be fast; it doesn't need to look 'pretty'. It has many different styles, and these are all accepted as 'running'. Running is like walking's big cousin. It moves your muscles a little quicker, a little stronger, and moves you a little faster.

So, what do you need to know if you are new to running or wanting to start?
Don't expect to run continuously off that bat: Aim for run/walk intervals initially. eg. run 15 seconds: walk 45 seconds x 10 reps or run between a set of power poles and then walk the following.
Don't worry about your pace: When you are starting out pace is the least of your concern. Getting your body and mind used to different running surfaces, finding the right socks + shoes that work for you, and managing your breathing technique is a lot more beneficial.
Don't skimp on socks + shoes: Blisters and, sore feet and toes will destroy any enjoyment you can ever get out of running. Purchasing a good pair or merino or wool socks and doing your homework on a shoe that is appropriate for your foot, most common run environment, and experience, is key for building a long-term love with running.
Running-specific strength will be your best friend: Running uses a large amount of muscle, and the forces you put through your joints is huge. Conditioning the primary muscles, you use while running not only reduces injury risk, but also strengthens your posture, running style and increases your speed.
Try not to worry about how you think you look/ what people think: As outlined above, there are 100's of different running styles, speeds, and motives for running. There isn't one singular way you should run. Do it for you, no one else.
Things that will make running harder that you can control:
The heat - running at peak heat times is not a great idea if you are new to running. This will drive your heart rate and core body temperature up which increases your work rate. Choose cooler periods of the day and wear light weight clothing that is breathable.
Being dehydrated - Going for a run when you are dehydrated or not adequately hydrated makes it extremely difficult for your body to deal with heat. You are unable to sweat as you need to, and this will increase your core temperature and heart rate also. Be sure you have had enough fluids.
Food - Not eating 'decent' food a few hours before your run and/or not eating at all. Running does expend a lot of energy, so if you go in with poor nutrition to run off or no nutrition in the tank you have straight away made your run harder than it needs to be.